
Tuesday, August 17, 2010


Numerous movies and few books have led me to believe that everything under the sun is connected. Connected in a very mysterious way. Our world is so complex. Yet so simple! I am of the opinion that at times to understand the bigger issues of our lives we need to examine our lives on day to day basis. You may not agree with me. But let’s give it a shot.
 I have been meaning to clean my cupboard since ages now But I keep delaying this mundane task. Why do I do that?  because I am trying very hard to avoid change. I am standing at yet another turning point in my life. I am trying hard to have faith and continue. I am aware of the fact that after graduation I have stepped in to the most dreaded “real world”. Now getting immune to the harsh reality of this fact, is certainly not very easy for me. Bidding goodbyes is never easy for me. Hence I continue with the act of delaying things. Still not convinced with this philosophy of mine?Lets give it another shot.
 Have you ever looked at the privacy setting of your Facebook account? How much information do you share with everyone? Is you wall visible to everyone? Are your “tagged” pictures visible to everyone? No? If not then who is in your limited profile? Your far away cousin in some other city who fails to understand you or your university life?
The settings that you maintain for your Facebook account are the ones that you have in your real life too.
Let us look at another example. For the past four years I have traveled in the Daewoo bus service numerous times. As my university was in Lahore and my home in Pindi. Every time the bus was about to reach the terminal, even before the announcements were made, I noticed that the passengers would begin to get uneasy and fidget. Men from the seats at the back would start grabbing their luggage and push their way through the aisles. I observed that everyone was frustrated and in a hurry. Don’t believe me? Next time you are a a traffic signal, waiting for the green light to shine, look around you. You shall see people who are agitated and frustrated. Everyone hates red lights. Why is that?
I am of the opinion that it is because, as a nation, we are frustrated. We are helpless in front of the political crisis, terrorist attacks, soaring inflation, growing poverty and now natural disasters. This helplessness begins to show in us in forms of frustration and anger.
Hence , I conclude, that its all connected. All we have to do is to connect the dots.


  1. Timmy, I like your observation on the little things in life which probably matter the most. While my Baba Paolo Coelho says and I quote: The simple things are the most extraordinary, but only a pure heart can recognize them. So Well done.

  2. "The settings that you maintain for your Facebook account are the ones that you have in your real life too."

    Small things matter and yes everything is connected in one way or the other
    Good Work!
